We’re all in this together and for us, community is critical. We need to come together to help each other get connected to the amazing opportunities that are constantly happening in cities all over the country. iParkinson’s connects the Parkinson’s Community through a geo-targeted online platform.
In the spring of 2013, we launched this long time vision of ours. Parkinson’s patients and family members throughout the United States need help, guidance and direction. Through iParkinson’s they can find Parkinson’s specific health professionals and gain access to helpful Parkinson’s organizations who offer programs and services dedicated to making their lives easier. Whether it be a new family relocating and looking for a doctor, or a high school student hoping to run a marathon in honor of their loved one, iParkinson’s bridges this divide and unites individuals and families living with and connected to Parkinson’s by providing the resources needed to connect and make an impact on those alike.
iParkinson’s is currently in beta at a city near you. Check it out at: iparkinsons.com
To submit listings or contact our iParkinsons Team directly, please contact us here.