If you’re a service provider and are looking to give back to the community, please reach out to us. We’re constantly building our PWF Network of Providers in order to be able to serve the large Parkinson’s community.
What you should know:
– Applying to become part of the network is completely free. There are no yearly fees and there are no hidden fees based off of provided services. We want you to provide the best service possible – that’s it. Complete and return the PWF Service Provider application and schedule an interview at your convenience today. Click here.
– We ask you make a strong consideration to provide a discount of at least 40% off of your services. It’s totally up to you. You can discount your services less than 40% or more. We leave the commitment up to you.
– We believe everyone has to make a commitment. Your participation and desire to help allows us to do what we do.
– Excellence is key and we have high expectations that our Network of Providers are providing the best service they possibly can.
– We do ask for PWF Network Providers to keep record of all PWF applicants who receive services.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.